General Information 2024-25

Student Illness

If your child is sick, please keep them home until their symptoms subside. As you can imagine, illnesses spread very quickly within the walls of the school. Also, talk to your children about the importance of handwashing and the use of hand sanitizer.

Parent / Guardian Email

All parents and guardians need to have an updated email address on file, as this will be our primary means of sharing information with you.

Water Bottles

All students should have their own water bottle clearly labeled with their name.

Office Drop offs 

Recognizing that mornings can be chaotic, we know that things can come up, and things are forgotten. We kindly ask that families try to ensure that their children have everything they need before they leave in the morning. 

Dressed for outside

Fresh air and play are two driving factors behind our students’ Social Emotional Well-Being. Please ensure that your child (children) come to school each day prepared for all the weird and wonderful weather that our beautiful province of Newfoundland and Labrador has to throw our way!

We also ask that you label any personal items belonging to your child/children. It breaks our hearts to see so many items left in the Lost and Found with no home!

Secure School / Lockdowns / Fire Drills

In the coming weeks, classroom teachers will be having discussions and practices with their classes around all 3 of these procedures. It is important that you speak to your child/children about these and stress their importance. 

Knowing what needs to happen in times of stress helps reduce anxiety around possible incidents that can occur. Our classroom teachers will take great care in their conversations around these topics. There will be more information to come to help you navigate these discussions with your family.

If you have any questions or concerns please reach out to us.

Visitor/Family Access

During the school instructional day, please come to the Office Door located on Vinnicombe Street and buzz to gain entrance to the building; this is the only door where entry into the school is permitted.

Late Arrivals

All students arriving late must check in at the office prior to going to class. Parents / Guardians of students in Grades Kindergarten and Grade 1 are encouraged to bring your child into the school and check at the office.