Larkhall Academy


Growing and learning together.
Everyone. Every day. 


Relationships  Ownership  Achievement for all   Respect  Your learning your way


Important Dates for February

Morning Arrival

The doors of Larkhall Academy open at 8:30am, with a 15 minute window until 8:45am, where students can be dropped off. Classes start at 8:45am and it is very important students arrive on time so they can follow morning routines and get settled for the day.

Dressing for the Weather

As the snow will begin to fall and the temperatures continue to drop, please ensure your child is dressed appropriately.  All classes go out each day, weather dependent, and students need warm jackets, snow pants, hats, mittens and boots. We recommend that families provide an extra change of clothing, including socks and underwear. 

We ask that families not send long scarves in with the children. We are trying to ensure their safety when playing on climbing structures and slides.

Birthday Invitations / Valentines Day Cards

If you are sending birthday party invitations for distribution please remember that our policy is that all students in a class get an invitation. If you would like to invite selected students only then you will have to arrange an alternate method of delivery. 

Just a reminder that due to privacy reasons, we do not supply class lists of names to families for such things as valentine cards. If you would like to send in valentine cards, your child’s teacher can give you the total number in the class you can address the cards simply as “to my friend” or from “your child’s name” 

World Read Aloud Day

Don’t forget that Wednesday, February 5th is World Read Aloud Day. Refer to the email that was sent home on Monday with more details about this. 

Teacher and Staff Appreciation Week

February 9th - 15th 2025  

Every day in education settings, teachers and school staff positively impact the lives of millions of children every day, and their work and impact extends far beyond the boundaries of the classroom.

Teacher / Staff Appreciation Week (TSAW) was initiated by the Canadian Home and School Federation in 1988 and is historically held the week of Valentine Day (February 14th). 

The purpose of this week is to encourage parents / guardians and the wider community to recognize the personal and professional contributions that our teachers and school staff make to children and their education.


Every school has dedicated staff members. TSAW lets them know they are appreciated!!

Learn more about Teacher and Staff Appreciation Week by visiting the TSAW page here. 

Weather Related School Closures

In the St. John’s Metro area, school closure decisions are made by NLSchools. Once a decision is made, schools are notified, and we share this communication with you via email, our website and on X (previously Twitter). You will also find announcements on local radio stations.

 Click here to learn more about how decisions are made concerning weather related closures. 

Bus Behaviors

If your child rides the school bus we ask that you take some time to review the student expectations while riding to and from school.

If your child has an issue on the bus please reach out to Mr. Durdle or Ms. Lee.

For any busing issues, you can also complete the NLSchools Public Inquiry Form

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